A voice for Singapore's disabled

Since I'm officially one toe short on one leg, I think I qualify as spokesman...
It made the news this year that the buses are going to become disabled/wheelchair friendly. They will have steps that will lower to road level so that wheelchair-bound commuters can get their wheels on board.
Well, big freakin' deal. Isn't it about time?? My human was in the US 20 years ago and saw such buses back there then. The disabled - be they on crutches, calipers, wheelchairs, whatever - were out and about. She even wondered idly whether the US had a higher incidence of disabilities.
There is no reason for any one country to have more disabled people than another, one would suppose - unless you are talking about Vietnam, where the current generation is still being born with twisted limbs, courtesy of the after effects of Agent Orange sprayed liberally to kill the country's forest to deny the Vietcong of hiding places... but that is another story.
Singapore has its fair share of people with disabilities, all right, but it's now clear that they have been cooped up at home all these past decades. Did they have a choice, when navigating the big outdoors meant coming up against curbs, flights of stairs and public transport that didn't welcome them?
The MRT system is 20 years old - but the stations were only recently retrofitted with lifts to take the disabled onto the platforms. Why wasn't it built to accommodate these people in the first place? They are members of our society too.
So much for being a first-world nation. Singapore only has the trappings of being one.