10 things humans (grossly) over-rate

... in my opinion, not in any particular order and good for the moment anyway:
Show me someone who gets wildly popular for no other reason than because he or she is a gawky young 'un who blathers on - without any particular linguistic or sartorial elegance - on TV, and I'll show you a poseur who has little reason to pose.
Why do humans fall all over themselves to buy that shampoo that offers "all natural herbs" or for anything with "no artificial ingredients as if, by dint of being "natural", these products are "better"? Hey, people, that bunch of man-made chemotherapy chemicals probably saved your aunt from dying of cancer. And remember, Socrates drank hemlock - that's "all natural", isn't it?? - and DIED.
My human [who, like all women, is not thin enough for herself] works up a sweat three times a week during her workouts, gets extremely hungry and eats more. Result: Weight gain. During World Cup month, she ditches exercise, feels less hungry and eats less. Result: Weight loss of 3kg. Go figure.
The "improvement" I see on human skin isn't worth the expense, period. Shops want you to cough up $1,000 for a package of 10 facials - OK, so they toss in one more "free" one. They rub gunk on you, use heat, use electricity, whatever, claiming it brings the "deep-seated dirt" to the surface of the skin - whereupon you get a breakout of zits. Keep the dirt down there, I say.
Have you seen how HIDEOUS some designer togs and bags are?? 'Nuff said. The person with better taste will ask for no more than a well-made product in a good colour and fit. No labels necessary.
Skimpy costumes. Smouldering looks that are over the top. Packaged to death but with little real singing or song-writing talent. They do cover versions of 20-year-old songs, for heaven's sake. See their website.
Sigh, "so much depends on this bunch of 26 dried leaves stuck to 7 milk bottles - three blue and four red - suspended in mid-air". The performance artist - artfully draped between milk bottle #5 and #7 - says sagely: "This all signifies the utter desolation of human hope in a world bereft of love." Yeah, right. Harharharharhar!
Haven't you read, ad nauseum, of the number of awards this airport has won? Then again, haven't you also noticed that, every time you fly, you are given a departure gate that is 10km down the corridor covered in Gawd Ugly Carpet - and it happens to be a trip on which you have a heavy carry-on bag [and it is the peak hour so everyone is on the travellator and every push cart is used up]? Maybe, something about the design is not that good, hor?
Those tech crazies are so darn proud of their handphone that can make and receive calls, send and receive SMS and MMS, do video calls, play MP3 music, take pictures and video clips, play chess, and even predict your ovulation period. I think we are this close to cellphones that can feed the dog and tell your fortune too, dammit. Unfortunately, a camera built to be a camera takes better pictures than a cellphone camera. So I'd keep all my toys separate, thank you.
OK, so there are only 9 things I can think of at the moment for this list. I lied.
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