Golf is evil

* Golf eats up large tracts of land which could otherwise be turned into parks for the enjoyment of far more people. [I'm a capitalist cat at heart, but I'm socialist when it comes to recreation.]
* Golf requires proper tending of the greens, which invariably involves using fertiliser, which leaches and poisons the ground water.
* Golf is boring - to watch and to play. Thwackkk! walk, walk, walk, walk, walk. Thwackkk!, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk. And they call this a sport??? I'd lump it with computer games and darts - requiring some strategy, but little or no physical prowess. "Sport" my ass.
* Golf comes packaged with snob appeal - the cost of a set of clubs, club membership, green fees and ridiculously ugly clothes (loud checks, nondescript pastel polo tees and shoes with those tongues with the zig-zag edges, I rest my case) ... all this probably makes status-conscious Singaporeans want to play it more, and be seen playing the game.
Golf. is. evil.
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