I had a visitor today!

My human came to visit me this afternoon. Of course I was glad to see her. It's been a while.
She called my name repeatedly and asked me to go to her. I hung back for a bit. You know ol' me. I'm not one for sidling up to her, nudging her and sitting on her lap. "Come, come, Nookie!" she called. I sat a foot away and enjoyed it when she tickled me under my chin.
My roomies responded to her calls instead, and surrounded her, kneading her lap with their paws. Sheesh, how grovelly,how... how... KNEADY. Harharharh
She finally got exasperated and pulled me to her. She was determined not to leave until she got a pic of me with her. (See pic with Reluctant Ol' Me. Harharharharh.)
Huh, my roomies are the types of cats who come when called. Me, I say: Leave a message and I'll get back to you.
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